The Ultimate Guide To Icebreakers (And How To Use Them)

23 min read

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Team building exercise

Are you ever in a situation where you're meeting new people or starting a new project with colleagues, and you don't know where to start? That's where icebreakers come in!

An icebreaker is an activity that helps break the ice and kick off a meeting or event. Icebreakers are important for many reasons. They help create a relaxed atmosphere and get people to introduce themselves. Additionally, icebreakers can build trust and team spirit and encourage participation.

Hosting an event? Icebreaker activities can help people get to know each other. It doesn't matter if it's virtual or in-person. There are plenty of engaging options.

In this article, we’ll cover the basics of why icebreakers are important and different types of icebreakers. We'll also highlight some fun ideas you can use to get started and tips for choosing the right icebreaker.

What is an Icebreaker?

Icebreakers are a great way to break the ice and get people talking. They help people get to know each other, create a more relaxed atmosphere, and encourage participation. Icebreakers come in many forms, from simple activities requiring no materials or preparation to more complex activities involving teams and props. They can range from light-hearted fun to serious topics that help participants interact more deeply.

Regardless of the type of icebreaker you choose, it should be tailored to the group's interests and objectives. Choosing the right icebreaker can make all the difference in your meeting or event's success!

Why are Icebreakers Important?

Icebreakers are an essential part of any successful meeting or event. They help people get to know each other, break the ice, and build a more relaxed atmosphere. Icebreakers can also help establish trust within a group or team and create an environment encouraging participation and engagement. In addition, they can be used to introduce topics, spark conversations, and even help participants understand complex concepts better.

Icebreakers can help to create an atmosphere where participants feel comfortable. This allows them to open up and engage in meaningful dialogue and collaboration, which can benefit your group members. Ultimately, icebreakers are important because they provide the foundation for meaningful relationships, productivity, creativity, and learning.

Types of Icebreakers

Icebreakers come in many forms, and selecting the right one for your meeting or event can make all the difference. Some icebreakers are perfect for any situation, from virtual meetings to remote teams.

Virtual icebreakers can range from quick and simple activities like introducing yourself with a fun Zoom background to more complex games. For example, you could ask participants to share their worst haircut story or imagine themselves in a zombie apocalypse.

Fun icebreaker games like Piece of Paper or Perfect Icebreaker provide easy-to-understand instructions. They also allow team leaders to facilitate conversations on a deeper level.

If you want to boost engagement and motivation, consider using an energizer icebreaker. Energizer icebreakers are activities designed to help energize a group and prepare them for the task ahead.

No matter what type of icebreaker you choose, it's important to remember that it should be tailored to your company culture. Choose icebreakers based on the desired outcome of your meeting or event. With so many different types of icebreakers available, you're sure to find one that's perfect for your team!

Group Discussion

group-discussionGroup discussion is one of the most effective ways to engage participants in a meeting, workshop, or class. The goal is to have team members brainstorm ideas, identify solutions, and discuss topics in an open setting. This will help foster collaboration, encourage creativity, and build relationships among your group.

To get the most out of a group discussion, creating an environment of trust and respect is important. Prepare topics beforehand and provide enough structure for each participant to contribute meaningfully. Make sure everyone has ample opportunity to speak without being interrupted or judged.

Finally, don’t forget to make time for reflection after the discussion. This ensures everyone can process their thoughts and feelings on the topic.

Group discussions are an invaluable way to get input from diverse perspectives and promote meaningful dialogue within your team or organization. Don't be afraid to take advantage of this powerful tool.


A group of people listening to musicIcebreaker games are an excellent way to add fun and excitement to any meeting, workshop, or class. Icebreakers, like a word association game or a scavenger hunt, provide a great way to engage with your group and foster collaboration.

Games can help break the ice between participants who may not know one another well. They also encourage team-building and problem-solving skills. When choosing a game for your team, make sure that it fits the size of your group and time constraints.

Games are also an excellent way to develop a deeper understanding of each other’s values and strengths. So when planning your next meeting, don’t forget to include some fun — try out a game!

Questions & Answers

fun-meetingQuestions and answers are a great way to engage with your group, get to know each other, and encourage meaningful conversations. They can be used as an icebreaker or to introduce topics related to company culture. Asking questions helps build relationships between team members and encourages different perspectives. Questions can range from simple ones about favorite foods or hobbies, to more complex ones about values and company goals.

When using questions and answers in a meeting, ensure there's sufficient psychological safety. Do this by creating a safe space for everyone to express their opinions without judgment or criticism.

Additionally, everyone must be able to participate in the discussion and feel heard. This will help foster trust among team members and help them gain insight into each other’s backgrounds and motivations.

Physical Activities


Physical activities are a great way to break the ice and encourage conversation amongst remote teams. From virtual scavenger hunts to the marshmallow challenge, physical activities are an engaging way to get everyone involved. They can also be used as a team-building exercise or an energizing break during a long meeting. Plus, it's a great way for everyone to get some movement throughout the day.

You can customize these activities to suit your team’s preferences and needs. Some examples include low-impact exercises like chair yoga and stretching to more vigorous ones like jumping jacks.

Physical activities can be fun. They also help coworkers build relationships. Through physical activities, coworkers can learn more about each other and have fun at the same time.

Virtual Icebreakers

Zoom callVirtual icebreakers are a great way to break the ice and get remote teams talking. They're a surefire way to engage everyone, whether

With virtual ice breakers, you can still have all the fun of traditional icebreakers without being in the same room. They range from simple activities, such as sharing famous people you admire, to more detailed activities, such as playing “zombie apocalypse”. If forming a new team, consider creating a team culture statement. You can also use them for team-building activities or as an energizing break during long meetings.

Virtual icebreakers are a great way to interact. Everyone can get to know each other better without feeling awkward. Plus, they don’t require special equipment: just sheets of paper, pens, and your imagination. So why not give virtual icebreakers a try today?

Tips for Choosing the Right Icebreaker Activity

Choosing a suitable icebreaker activity can be tricky, especially when planning a virtual meeting. To help make your job easier, here are some tips for selecting the perfect icebreaker for your team:

  1. Consider the purpose of the activity. What do you want to accomplish? Is it a fun game or something more serious, such as exploring company culture? Knowing what you’re trying to achieve will help guide your decision.
  2. Think about the time limit. Consider how long your meeting or event is scheduled for. You may need a quick and easy activity or something that could take up more time. If short on time, consider setting a timer.
  3. Choose an activity that gets everyone involved. Pick something that requires participation from all team members. Don't only consider the one or two more outgoing people who are likely to volunteer first.
  4. Make sure it’s appropriate for everyone in attendance. Some activities may be too silly or embarrassing for specific people and should be avoided at all costs!
  5. Don't overdo it. Icebreakers are a powerful tool in your arsenal but remember to use them wisely. Don't overwhelm your audience with too many forced or awkward icebreakers. Choose the ones that fit your goals and watch your relationships flourish!

Considering these tips will ensure that everyone has a great time and leaves feeling energized and engaged.

Understand Your Goals

When hosting a successful event or meeting, understanding your goals is key. Determine whether the goal is team building, networking, introducing a new concept, or something else entirely. This will help you select activities best suited to your specific objectives.

It's also important to consider the context of the event and what type of icebreaker would be most appropriate. If it’s an online meeting with remote teams, then funny virtual icebreakers might be more suitable than physical activities. If you're a newly-formed team, consider using a team-building icebreaker. Or, if you're in the middle of a long meeting and your team needs a pick-me-up, try an energizer.

Establish clear objectives for your icebreaker. This helps to create a fun and interactive environment for everyone to get to know each other better. So take some time to think about what you want people to get out of the activity and plan accordingly!

Keep It Short and Sweet

When it comes to icebreakers, less is often more. Keeping an icebreaker short and sweet ensures everyone's time is used efficiently. It also allows people to get to know each other quickly and easily. Keep the activity limited to 10-15 minutes, with a few minutes of casual follow-up afterward if necessary.

When selecting an icebreaker, try to pick something to help people learn more about one another quickly. Activities such as "Worst Haircut" or "Perfect Icebreaker" can be fun and engaging. They allow people to share stories about themselves in just a few sentences.

Questions such as "what's on your bucket list?" are also great for encouraging conversation without taking up too much time.

Finally, don't forget the power of visuals. Zoom backgrounds or pieces of paper can be used for more visual activities. Examples include drawing maps or creating word banks for quick brainstorming sessions at the beginning of meetings.

Short and sweet icebreakers ensure that everyone has a positive experience and leaves feeling energized and engaged! 

Invite Participation

When running an icebreaker activity, it's crucial to invite participation from everyone in the group. Even if some people are shy or introverted, ensuring everyone is included and comfortable participating is key to a successful icebreaker.

One way to do this is by setting ground rules for the activity at the start of your event. Be clear about what behavior is encouraged and which will not be tolerated. This will help create an atmosphere of respect and open-mindedness, encouraging everyone to participate without fear of judgment or ridicule.

Another helpful strategy is to incorporate activities that involve participation from all members of the group. Brainstorming ideas or sharing individual perspectives on a specific topic are good examples. Encouraging equal participation among all individuals boosts engagement levels and fosters deeper connections among participants.

It's crucial to include an icebreaker activity that encourages participants to foster strong relationships. So make sure that you make everyone feel welcome and encourage participation!

Consider Your Audience

When planning an icebreaker activity, it's essential to consider your audience.

Ask yourself: Who is attending the meeting? What type of people are they? What interests them? Doing so will help you choose an activity that resonates with everyone in attendance and ensures everyone has a great time.

For example, if you're planning a team meeting for a group of millennials, try something lighthearted like the "Zombie Apocalypse" game. This requires participants to devise creative solutions for surviving a zombie attack! On the other hand, activities that explore company culture may be more suitable in a meeting of business executives.

It's also important to consider the physical environment when choosing an icebreaker activity. Is everyone in the same room or working remotely from different locations? If people are scattered around the globe, virtual icebreakers may be best. Simple activities such as passing sheets of paper around can be practical if everyone is in one place.

Consider your audience and environment when selecting an icebreaker activity. This will create an atmosphere of inclusivity. Everyone will have a positive experience and feel energized, which helps with team bonding.

When to use icebreakers (and when not to)

When it comes to icebreakers, timing is everything. While icebreakers can be a fun and effective way to kick off a meeting or discussion, they're not always appropriate. So when should you use icebreakers, and when should you skip them? Here are a few ideas:

  • When a group is meeting for the first time. Icebreakers can be a great way to help everyone get to know each other and build connections.
  • When a group is working on a new project or task. Icebreakers can be a great way to break down barriers and create a more collaborative and positive environment.
  • When a group is experiencing tension or conflict. Icebreakers can be a great way to defuse the situation and create a more productive and positive atmosphere.
  • When a group is experiencing low energy or engagement. Icebreakers can be a great way to re-energize and refocus the group.
  • When a group is experiencing cultural or linguistic differences. Icebreakers can be a great way to create a more inclusive environment and build understanding among group members.

When not to use Icebreakers

Icebreakers can be an excellent tool for building connections and creating a positive group dynamic. However, they may not work in a few situations. Here are a few examples:

  • When time is limited. If you're short on time, spending a significant portion of it on an icebreaker may not be the best idea.
  • When the group is already familiar with each other. If the group already knows each other well, an icebreaker may be unnecessary and even appear forced or awkward.
  • When the group is resistant. Some people may not be comfortable participating in icebreakers. Forcing them to do so could create a negative or uncomfortable atmosphere.

Common icebreaker mistakes and how to avoid them

Fun and effective icebreakers can build relationships and promote positivity among your team. Common mistakes can sabotage your efforts. Don't fall victim to these icebreaker blunders - learn to avoid them and keep your team on track to success!

  1. Choosing activities that aren't inclusive. Avoid exclusive activities that make people feel left out and opt for inclusive ones that everyone can enjoy.
  2. Not considering group dynamics. Don't fall into the trap of a one-size-fits-all icebreaker! Remember, every group has its unique flavor. Spice it up by considering their demographics, interests, and overall vibe when selecting the perfect icebreaker activity.
  3. Making the rules complex. Don't let your icebreaker become a tangled web of confusion. Keep it simple and engaging for your team by avoiding complex rules and setups.
  4. Rushing through the activity. Take your time and let your team soak up the excitement. There's no need to rush through the activity just because the clock is ticking.
  5. Not explaining the purpose. Shed some light on the purpose of your icebreaker activity before diving in. They'll be more eager to participate if they know what they're getting into.
  6. Focusing too much on competition. Instead, focus on teamwork and collaboration to create an atmosphere of support and encouragement.
  7. Not debriefing afterward. After the icebreaker, take a moment to debrief and reflect on the experience. Chat about what went smoothly and what could use a little sprucing up next time.

With these tips, you can turn any activity into a fun and effective way to build relationships and boost team cohesion.

Traditional Icebreaker Ideas

Traditional icebreakers are a great way to get people talking and having fun in any setting. These activities can help everyone get to know each other better while providing comfort and closeness.

Two Truths and a Lie is perfect for helping people open up and share more about themselves. Never Have I Ever is perfect for helping teams learn more about each other.

For deeper conversations, you could have each person introduce themselves by sharing their favorite memory from the past year. Or have everyone write down 3-5 fun facts about themselves on separate pieces of paper for others to guess.

For something even more straightforward, try going around the group. Have each person share their name, favorite hobby, or dream vacation spot. These types of questions can be light-hearted but still provide an opportunity for meaningful connections between participants.

Remember that it should be tailored to the individuals in your group, no matter which icebreaker activity you choose. This will ensure that everyone feels comfortable participating. With creativity and careful planning, you can ensure that your icebreakers will set the tone for an enjoyable and engaging event!

Fun & Creative Icebreaker Ideas

A group of people collaborating on a drawingFun and creative icebreakers can be the perfect way to get people talking and having a great time in any setting. Hosting a virtual meeting or gathering with friends can help everyone get to know each other better. It also ensures comfort and closeness.

Organizing fun activities can be a great way to liven up any gathering. One idea is to ask everyone to pick out their favorite celebrity lookalike. Or, you could devise a zombie apocalypse scenario and challenge participants to devise an escape plan. Another classic game is Two Truths and a Lie, perfect for helping people open up and share more about themselves.

For something even more straightforward, try giving each person one minute to draw something that describes them on paper. A few ideas include their favorite hobby to their worst haircut. You could also have everyone write down three facts about themselves without revealing what isn't true for others to guess.

Remember that your icebreaker activity should be tailored to the individuals in your group so that everyone feels comfortable participating. With thoughtfulness and careful planning, you can ensure that your icebreakers will set the tone for an enjoyable event!

Virtual Meeting Icebreaker Ideas

the-name-gameVirtual meetings can be challenging to host, especially when getting people engaged. That’s why having fun virtual meeting icebreakers is essential for breaking the ice and creating a comfortable atmosphere. These ideas will help you create an enjoyable experience for everyone in attendance.

One great way to get everyone talking is by having them pick out their favorite celebrity lookalike. This activity encourages everyone to think outside the box while giving a glimpse into each person’s interests and passions. You could also develop a zombie apocalypse scenario where participants must plan an escape together. This game is perfect for getting people working together and thinking critically about potential solutions.

For a simpler idea, try giving each person one minute to draw something that describes them on paper. This could be anything from their favorite hobby to their worst haircut. It will bring plenty of laughs and get people talking about their experiences.

Or, have everyone write down three facts about themselves without revealing what isn't true for others to guess. This can help break down awkward silences and encourage deeper conversations between attendees.

To lighten the mood, consider using funny icebreakers. Themed This or That questions are always a hit, especially with small groups.

For a good happy hour icebreaker, try an online mixology icebreaker event. In this activity, a professional mixologist will demonstrate how to make a delicious beverage to your team members.

Whatever type of virtual meeting icebreaker activity you choose, ensure it fits the group so everybody feels comfortable participating. With creativity and thoughtfulness, you can ensure that your icebreakers will set the tone for an enjoyable event!

Quick Icebreaker Ideas

never-have-i-everQuick icebreaker ideas are a great way to get people talking and engaged in any virtual meeting or team event. Icebreakers can help attendees feel more comfortable, get to know each other better and create community. The key is to find activities that are quick and easy but still fun enough to capture everyone’s attention.

One popular idea is the Two Truths and a Lie game. Participants give three statements about themselves in this game, but only two are true. Everyone then has to guess which statement is the lie.

Another fun activity is the “name that tune” game, where participants must identify popular songs from sound clips. Try having participants pick out their favorite celebrity lookalike to switch up the pace. Or they can draw something that describes them on paper in just one minute, like their favorite hobby or worst haircut.

To keep things interesting, try mixing up your icebreakers with different activities such as word association games or guessing riddles. It’s also essential to ensure that every activity fits with the group so everyone feels comfortable participating. With some creative thinking, you can ensure that your virtual meetings or team events start off on the right foot!

Examples of Good Icebreakers for Remote Teams

Icebreakers are an essential part of any remote team meeting. They help remote workers get to know each other, build relationships, and establish a sense of community. But with so many options, how do you pick the perfect icebreaker?

One great way to start a remote team meeting is by asking everyone to introduce themselves. Participants share something exciting or funny. This can be anything from their favorite hobby to their least favorite food. You could also try having each person list three facts about themselves, then have everyone guess which one is false.

Another fun icebreaker for remote teams is the “guess the emoji” game. Each person shares an emoji that describes them and the group has to guess what it means.

You could also have everyone draw or write something on a piece of paper in one minute. This could be anything from their favorite movie quote to their worst fashion faux pas!

Remember to use virtual backgrounds or props like hats or sunglasses during virtual meetings for extra fun!

With these examples of good icebreakers for remote teams, you can ensure your next meeting gets off on the right foot.

Examples of Bad Icebreakers

Icebreakers are vital to team meetings, but not all are created equal. While some can be fun and help build relationships, others can be awkward and embarrassing. Bad icebreakers require participants to share personal information they may not feel comfortable sharing or rely heavily on stereotypes.

Another example is when icebreaker questions are too complex or difficult to answer. This can lead to long, uncomfortable pauses or people feeling like they’re being judged for their answers. Games that rely on physical objects like pieces of paper or props can be tricky to implement in a virtual meeting.

Finally, some icebreakers don’t foster meaningful connections between team members. Questions such as “what’s your favorite color?” rarely go beyond surface-level conversation. It's best to avoid these questions as they don't allow people to get to know each other better.

When choosing an icebreaker for remote team meetings, think carefully about what would work best for your group. Ensure it's something everyone will enjoy participating in.


Icebreakers are activities that help create a relaxed atmosphere, build trust and team spirit, and encourage participation in meetings or events. They come in many forms, from simple activities to more complex games. Tailoring any icebreaker to the group's interests and objectives is crucial. By doing so, you'll engage participants, foster collaboration, encourage creativity, and build relationships among a team.



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